Zhihan Jiang
Ph.D. Candidate, CUHK
I am a 3rd-year CSE Ph.D. student in ARISE Lab at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Michael R. Lyu. Previously, I obtained my Bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-sen University, in 2022.
💡 My research interests lie in ensuring the reliability of large-scale cloud systems and LLM systems, especially based on heterogeneous observability data (e.g., logs, traces, metrics and alerts).
😃 I always welcome the opportunity to collaborate and discuss research topics. Feel free to drop me an email if you're interested in connecting with me.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering Aug. 2022 - present
Sun Yat-sen University
B.S. in Computer Science and Technology Sep. 2018 - Jul. 2022
Zhihan Jiang, Junjie Huang, Guangba Yu†, Zhuangbin Chen, Yichen Li, Renyi Zhong, Cong Feng, Yongqiang Yang, Zengyin Yang, Michael R. Lyu
FSE'25 The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Industry, Trondheim, Norway, Jun 2025.
Zhihan Jiang, Jinyang Liu, Junjie Huang, Yichen Li, Yintong Huo, Jiazhen Gu, Zhuangbin Chen†, Jieming Zhu, Michael R. Lyu
ISSTA'24 The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Vienna, Austria, Sep 2024.
Zhihan Jiang, Jinyang Liu, Zhuangbin Chen, Yichen Li, Junjie Huang, Yintong Huo, Pinjia He, Jiazhen Gu†, Michael R. Lyu
FSE'24 The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, July 2024.
Zhuangbin Chen, Zhihan Jiang, Yuxin Su, Michael R. Lyu, Zibin Zheng†
CLOUD'24 The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Shenzhen, China, July 2024. 🏆 Best Paper Award
Jinyang Liu*, Zhihan Jiang*, Jiazhen Gu, Junjie Huang, Zhuangbin Chen†, Cong Feng, Zengyin Yang, Yongqiang Yang, Michael R. Lyu (* equal contribution)
ASE'23 The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Sep 2023.